Warming Winter Lamb & Red Lentil Soup


I shared a beautiful recipe for Luscious Lamb & Lentil Soup in my cookbook, Recipes from my Kitchen, however over the years it has evolved and I’ve ended up with quite a different version of the soup. I shared some photos on Instagram stories the other evening and a number of you asked for the recipe. I felt inspired to share it, so here it is, from my kitchen to yours. I hope you and your family enjoy it as much as we do.

The measurements are rather relaxed as that is how I like to cook – just adjust the amount of carrots & potatoes based on how many you are feeding, making sure there are enough veggies in proportion to meat & of course, lots of broth! Cooking soups is all about just feeling your way through it… well that’s what I believe anyway 🙂

If you need to be conscious about histamine issues with you or your child, make sure to only cook the soup for a maximum of 4 hours – as from what I understand & from my experience long slow cooking (although delicious) increases histamine. (Another reason I only cook my bone broths for a max of 4 hours).

From the pantry 

1/2 cup of red lentils (really well washed) 

Ghee or coconut oil

2 brown onions

4-6 sticks of celery (finely sliced)

6 curry leaves (or if they are all crushed up as they sometimes are – about 1-2 tablespoons)

Small knob of fresh ginger (grated using a Microplain or other fine grater)

1 teaspoon of curry powder (I sometimes add more, follow your family’s taste)

1 teaspoon of turmeric powder

3 pasture raised organic lamb shanks or alternatively you can use organic lamb necks (adjust the amount depending on how many you are feeding – I find 3 lamb shanks easily feeds 5 with left overs – however of course if they are very small lamb shanks maybe use more)

Filtered water – enough to generously cover everything (the more you add, the juicer your soup – you will probably need to add more throughout the cooking process)

1-2 cloves of garlic (finely diced or crushed)

4-6 carrots (diced)

4-6 potatoes (peeled & diced)

Dried (organic) shiitake mushrooms – At least one per person and more if you are feeling generous.

A good handful of fresh parsley – add this just before you turn off the heat.

(Celtic) sea salt

Cracked pepper


Let’s begin

1. Wash lentils thoroughly and set aside.

2. Melt a few tablespoons of ghee or coconut oil in a heavy bottomed saucepan/ casserole dish. Add onions & celery and cook until translucent – make sure you do this on a low heat. If they look like they are catching on the bottom of the pan, add a little water, pop the lid on and turn down the heat to allow them to sweat. 

3. Once onions are tender, add the curry leaves, grated ginger, curry powder & turmeric. Simmer for a few minutes on a low heat and then remove mixture and set aside in a bowl.

4. Add a little more ghee or coconut oil to the pan and add lamb shanks. Cook on medium – high heat to ensure you brown the lamb. (Not all the lamb needs browning, however giving just a few sides some colour will add a beautiful flavour). 

5. Next add filtered water to cover a few inches above everything in the pot.

6. Return the onions & celery mix to the pot.

7. Now add the crushed garlic, carrot, potatoes, shiitake mushrooms & lentils to the pot.

8. Cook on medium heat with the lid on for 3- 4 hours until the lamb is tender and falls off the bone. I monitor the water level throughout this time, however if you are using a slow cooker just make sure you add enough to well cover your ingredients – we love lots of broth in our home, so I always add lots of water.

9. Before serving add some chopped fresh parsley into the pot , sea salt to taste & a little pepper.

Serve with some buttered sourdough or gluten free bread for a delicious warming winter meal.

If you make it, drop back and tell me what you think!


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Hi I’m Natalie,

I teach mothers to hand-sew treasures for a magical childhood while delighting their own creative spirit!

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