Peach and Macadamia Tray Crumble

I’ve made this twice now and it’s definitely a keeper. Sweet gooey and caramely peaches coupled with the crunch of coconut and macadamia nuts. The perfect little after dinner bowl of goodness to ensure a good night sleep. If you aren’t able to get macadamia nuts where you live, you could try almonds instead. My girls gobbled it up with a few spoonfuls of fresh organic cream.
From the pantry:
Ripe Organic Peaches – I used about 10 and it gave us a small bowl each for 2 nights (2 adults, 4 children)
optional – if peaches are a little tart, drizzle with maple syrup before roasting
for the crumble:
1/2 cup macadamia nuts chopped
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1/4 desiccated coconut
1/4 cup buckwheat flour
1/4 cup brown sugar or coconut sugar
70 grams softened butter
optional – sprinkling of cinnamon or vanilla bean powder
Bring it together:
Preheat oven to 180’C/ 356’F and prepare the baking tray with some baking paper.
Wash and cut up peaches and place on baking tray. Cover with foil and bake for 15-20 minutes until tender.
Meanwhile mix together all dry ingredients for the crumble and then work the softened butter through with your fingers.
Once peaches are tender, remove from the oven and remove the foil.
Scatter prepared crumble topping over the cooked peaches and return to oven to cook for 10 -15 minutes (or until golden brown)
Serve with a spoon or two of cream and try to save some for another night!

Hi I’m Natalie,
I teach mothers to hand-sew treasures for a magical childhood while delighting their own creative spirit!
My ebook Magical Birthdays for Children: A guide to creating wholehearted & mindful celebrations has offered inspiration & creativity to thousands of parents around the world.
I’d love to help you get started on your hand sewing journey...Jump on the waitlist for the Sewing Circle here or take a look at my other doll making workshops - Story Dolls & Waldorf Dolls.