Creative Tutorial – How to Make a Reusable Cotton Snack Bag for Kids

I’ve dug up a post from 2011 (!!) as a little #plasticfreejuly inspiration.
I still have these little bags I made for my little girl that were so well loved. They are perfect for dry snacks such as trail mixes/ dried fruits/ nuts/ crackers etc and just the right size for little hands to hold.
You will need:
Let’s begin…
STEP ONE – Cut out two pieces of 100% cotton fabric – Cut out the fabric larger than you would like your bags – so that you allow for a seam. Make sure to wash the fabric with natural washing liquid, so there will be no harmful chemicals/ residue in your little food bags.
STEP TWO – Place patterned sides together. Pin in place if you like and then sew using machine around the edge of the fabric, leave a small opening on one of the sides. Make sure the opening is at least 7cm so that you can turn it inside out.

STEP EIGHT – Now you are ready to turn your little bag inside out so that the seams are hidden inside. You may need to use a knitting needle or chop stick to gently push the corners out.
STEP NINE – You may like to sew a little name tag using some cotton tape and embroidery thread.
You are finished!

Hi I’m Natalie,
I teach mothers to hand-sew treasures for a magical childhood while delighting their own creative spirit!
My ebook Magical Birthdays for Children: A guide to creating wholehearted & mindful celebrations has offered inspiration & creativity to thousands of parents around the world.
I’d love to help you get started on your hand sewing journey...Jump on the waitlist for the Sewing Circle here or take a look at my other doll making workshops - Story Dolls & Waldorf Dolls.